Eef Hogervorst
Loughborough University United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Eef Hogervorst did her Ph.D. at Maastricht University in age related cognitive decline and treatment at the Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology in 1998. She was subsequently employed at the University of Oxford (Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing, OPTIMA) as a neuropsychologist and epidemiologist and was awarded several grants and prizes for her research into early diagnoses and risk factors for dementia and cognitive decline. Eef did similar research as a Research Associate Professor at the Donald W. Reynolds Department of Geriatrics (ranked 8th nationally) of the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences and at the University of Cambridge (Department of Psychiatry) as Senior Research Associate, before taking on a Chair in Psychology at Loughborough University which is consistently ranked among the top Universities in the U.K. Eef has set-up collaborations with several large multi-centre observational and treatment studies for age related cognitive decline and dementia (EPIC NORFOLK and MRC CFAS in the U.K. and the H ABC, WHIMS and KEEPS studies in the U.S.A and a large cohort in Indonesia). She studies cross cultural clinical diagnostic accuracy of different types of dementias and has developed and validated a computerized expert system and cognitive test battery for this purpose with Dr Bandelow. Eef is an elected member of the MRC College of Experts for Neuroscience and Mental Health, a member of the European Scientific Referee panel for the European Research Area in Ageing and is often asked to review research proposals (Alzheimer Association, NWO, SPARC etc) and papers in her field (Neurology, JNNP, Arch Neurol, etc). She was invited as a keynote speaker at several conferences (e.g. ICAD). At Oxford Eef was Somerville Junior Research fellow and Blasschko fellow at Linacre College. Eef is an elected young Fellow at the Royal Society of Medicine in London, Editor (Section Head) of the International Faculty 1000, on the editorial board of JAD and has over 100 international peer reviewed publications.
Research Interest
Her research includes the use of standardized questionnaires to investigate risk & protective factors for dementia & age-related cognitive decline which is funded by the Alzheimer’s Research Trust & other bodies, such as the New Dynamics of Ageing. Also involved in exercise, sex steroid and nutritional treatment programs to improve cognitive function & mood in the elderly.